27 Kasım 2014 Perşembe

Audi Q8 Halo SUV Model Confirmed: Q7

The 60 separate models Audi made a guarantee to us have truly started to come to fruition the recent months, with bits of gossip about another leader called the A9 and reviewed by the Prolog Concept, bunches of littler Suvs and even a four-entryway variant of the TT car. In any case maybe the most vital promising new model is the Q8, which should be viewed as the lead of the extent, considering what number of Suvs Audi is offering nowadays.

How would we know the Q8 is advancing? Since its been affirmed to British magazine Autocar by Audi's present specialized boss Ulrich Hackenberg on the sidelines of the Los Angeles Auto Show.

"The Q8 will come," said Hackenberg. "It will be something new, after plans secured on the Prolog idea. It will be situated as something more enthusiastic and more lively than the Q7. The Q7 will be an auto for seven individuals, the Q8 will be more roadster like."

He additionally said that the new Q7, to be uncovered in January, will be one of the last Audi models with the current outline dialect. The following ones will look a considerable measure like the Prolog, the brainchild of new boss originator Marc Lichte.

As an issue roadster like, enthusiastic vehicle, the Q8 will adversary BMW's new X6 and the Mercedes-Benz GLE Coupe, which is focused around the ML.

Mr Hackenberg's announcement is likewise joined by a reasonable timetable. The Q8's improvement has as of late begun and ought to be done inside the following 3 years. It's generally imagined as an issue that speaks to purchasers in China, the US and the Middle East. For the time being, the main substantial bit of tech data is the way that another stage called the MLB will help hold weight under 2 tons on all the Q8 models, something a Porsche Cayenne can't do today.

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