24 Kasım 2014 Pazartesi

How to Stay Healthy While Traveling ?

Cold, flu, norovirus ... Ebola? Here's the secret to staying healthy no matter where you travel.

Come what may, colds, flu, passenger-norovirus manage some jet-set around the world, attending the most popular events, and rarely get sick. If you are not one of the lucky few, there are still some ways to mitigate the negative health effects of frequent travel. Here's what you need to know to stay on your next getaway.

Before leaving

1. Strengthen your immune system. The scientific evidence on the powers of supplements to prevent colds and flu is not yet conclusive, but it does not hurt to take them if they have worked for you in the past, says Phyllis Kozarsky, MD, Centers for Disease Control consultant for the health of travelers. A frequent traveler herself, she encourages probiotics to improve gut health.

2. Pack these items in your hand luggage: Hand Sanitizer with at least 50 percent alcohol; disinfectant wipes (such as Clorox or Lysol) a shawl or a light coat that can be used as a blanket; a travel pillow (on a flight or a long-distance train travel); bandages; and nasal spray.

3. Wear glasses instead of contact lenses. Contact lenses can dry your eyes and make them vulnerable to invading microbes. The glasses also makes you less likely to touch or rub your eyes.

In airports, train stations, and other public spaces

1. Stay at least six feet of people coughing, sneezing or simply watch sick.That is the distance tiny virus-filled droplets can travel when exhaled landing flu infected person in your eyes or nose and to up in your respiratory system. Although you can not "breathe" Ebola, you can get it from infected body fluids, such as blood, vomit and diarrhea substances we do not have to tell you to stay away from. Transmission to a typical traveler is extremely rare.

2. Disinfect hands after touching germy hot spots: For example, ticketing, ATM, online security bins (anyone you saw cleaned between use?), Door handles, food trays and tables, and nothing in the bathroom. "If he is hit by a large number of people, it is a potential problem," says Vincent Racaniello, PhD, professor of microbiology and immunology at Columbia University, and founder of a blog about virus. Use disinfectant on all parts of your hands, making sure to include fingertips and rings. If you can not clean right away, at least be aware not to touch your hands, nose and mouth.

3. Treat the public toilets as the cloaca germy they are. Do not put your bags on the floor, or your toilet bag on the counter (if you must, then use disinfectant wipes after). Make your business without sitting on the toilet. Close the lid before flushing, or, if it is not, rinse you leave, to minimize sprays. Avoid touching surfaces with your hands. Wash hands with soap and water for 15 seconds complete before your departure. Use your towel drying to exit without touching the door handle (if you can not, use hand sanitizer after leaving the bathroom).

4. Wear down through the line of airport security. The chances of getting a fungal infection is low you need moist soil for it to happen, but you can pick up something on your feet, which is then passed on your hands you put your shoes back on (then your face).

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