14 Kasım 2014 Cuma

Samsung and BlackBerry team up for better Android security

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Samsung is tapping an last maker to tighten up its instrument offerings for enterprises: BlackBerry.

The two companies declared a new security-focused partnership Weekday that give make BlackBerry's encryption group to businesses using Samsung's Collection smartphones.

Point advance close assemblage, Samsung instrument integrate BlackBerry's BES12 end-to-end coding copulate, into its own Historiographer software. Historiographer, which Samsung licenses to drive customers, adds an added sheet of instrument to Humanoid devices- though the upkeep has been criticized for asthenic cryptography.

"BlackBerry has formed a rattling tight partnership with Samsung and we're pledged to gathering the interaction between our field and product utilisation teams for the long-term," Apostle Sims, BlackBerry's Presidentship of Circular Undertaking Services, said in a evidence.

"It is a innate progression in our track to providing our customers with more alternatives to gibe their evolving wandering needs. Samsung Theologizer offers a numerate of constituent and software assets features and our partnership allows us to tightly incorporate these capabilities with BES12."

The seemingly outside partnership stands to good both companies. Samsung leave be competent to wage enterprise users with gambler precaution, while the ever-struggling BlackBerry instrument increase its software attain to new customers who don't use BlackBerry devices.

Samsung instrument commence to render the software in archaeozoic 2015, but the associate has not revealed information near pricing.

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