24 Kasım 2014 Pazartesi

The Most Common Fitness Injuries — And How to Avoid Them

Sprains and strains are the most common injuries to the gym, according to a new study.

A large majority of the time, going to the gym is good for your body. It clears your head, gets your blood moving and helps you feel less guilty enter this half-stale donut out of the free food table at work. Sometimes, however, injuries do happen. Now, for the first time, we have a picture of emergencies related to fitness-the most common and what causes them.

The new study, published in the quarterly research for Exercise and Sport, reviewed 2,200 emergency room visits related to the exercise that took place in Australia over eight years. More than 70 percent of weightlifting injuries occurred when someone was hit, hit or crushed by the weight or other exercisers, the researchers found. And nearly 60 percent of aerobics injuries were due to falls. Overall, sprains and strains were the most common ailments.

Overcrowding during group classes, using a new and unfamiliar equipment and compete with other sports fans are some factors that contributed to accidents, the study authors said.

Follow these tips from top fitness trainers to stay safe during your next session of sweat.

1. Mark your territory.

While this may seem like a good idea to look at the shape of the instructor closely, avoid right spot at the front, because this is where people tend to want to show, says Marc Santa Maria, national director of fitness group for Crunch gyms. You will have more space to move around if you stay in the back or side of the room. Specifically, make sure you have enough space behind you so you do not bump into something (or someone) when you walk backwards. And choose a place overlooking the mirror to check your form periodically.

2. Get your head in the game.

About 15 minutes before the start of your group class, jump on the treadmill and walking briskly for 10 minutes. "If an area of the body is cold, no blood in the area it will not have much flexibility or fast moving ability," said celebrity trainer Craig Ramsay Yahoo Health. A warm-up also allows you to tune into your body, making you less likely to trigger or take a misstep because you are distracted. "Collective courses many people are very intimidating, and we get in our heads and our bodies with that," said Ramsay. "We really need to be connected with our body to move safely and targeted manner."

3. Protect your numbers.

The most common injuries are seen Ramsay bruised toes and fingers broken when people come back to the dumbbell rack and trap, hit or pinch their hand, because they move too quickly. "I see at least once a week unfortunately, and it's not pretty when fingers break this way," he said. Even during an intense workout, remember to slow down when you win your weight.

4. Ask an expert.

When you are new to a piece of equipment, you are more likely to injure yourself by using it wrong. If you are not sure if you're doing something the right way, the approach of a personal trainer who is on the floor of the gym, but not working with a client. The trainer will be happy to make a new connection and help to keep you safe, Santa Maria said. Better yet, use the free personal training session that probably came with your gym membership to the bone on your form and how to use new training tools.

5. Use smart treadmill sense.

Do not go up and down a conveyor belt moving. It seems like the obvious, of course, but Ramsay said he sees all the time - especially now that treadmill workouts Circuit alternating between running and weight training are becoming more popular. And before you tread session, do not forget to double knot your shoelaces and drag them into your shoes. Face treadmill is not a good look on anyone.

6. Stick around.

Many group courses tend to jump on cooling, Santa Maria said, so take a few minutes to cool down on your own. If you do not ease a hard drive, you might get dizzy your heart rate and blood pressure drops quickly. Cooling also helps your body to clear metabolic waste products, which may help reduce muscle soreness the next day. Ending a hard workout five to 10 minutes of light activity - for example, easy pedaling at the end of a spin class - plus some easy stretching.

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