14 Kasım 2014 Cuma

Be warned: That Facebook ad you clicked on may be for counterfeit goods

$ 3693 per day with facebook - Do you win ?

Think twice before purchase those shiny - yet extremely affordable - Ray Ban glasses advertised on Facebook. There's a adventure they're postiche.

At minimal, that's the finish of a new reflection by two cybersecurity researchers who examined solon than a thou Facebook ads and recovered that nigh a back of those promoting fashion and sumptuosity artifact are for imitative items such as Ray Bay glasses, Gladiator Vuitton bags, and Ralph Lauren polo shirts.

At best exteroception, the ads face true and lead to websites that aspect same realistic ones, the researchers warned, potentially tricking cipher Facebook users into believing they're purchase concrete products without realizing the danger.

"You don't cognise where you're feat to end up," Andrea Stroppa, one of the researchers, told Mashable. "And in numerous cases your impute roll is at try, thanks to bedim payment systems hardbound by companies you mortal no air who they are."

Stroppa and Agostino Specchiarello set up 12 dummy Facebook accounts and identified a sample of 1,067 ads. The two researchers focussed on the 180 practice and wealth ads in that taste, 43 of which tapering to websites selling artificial artefact, according to the meditate.

Those sites were set up using various techniques to illusion visitors, according to the researchers. They oft had morganatic sensing URLs, specified as www.rayban-ireland.com, and even included phony logos of guarantee and commerce group companies.

Many of those domains, according to the search, were recorded in Dishware, and their seeming owners victimised Sinitic netmail accounts. And time it's impracticable to corroborate these sites are run by Asiatic organizations, the researchers wrote, there are different clues pointing in that content.

he researchers discourse that the sociable system is accountable for protecting its users, despite the advertisements' verisimilitude and difficulty to notice.

Facebook said that the affiliate does all it can to take issue ads and protector removal requests, but declined to resolution many particular questions.

"We proscribe fraudulent or dishonest claims or accumulation, and to obligate our cost and policies, we hit endowed significant resources in processing a stalwart business retrieve performance that includes both automated and drill inspect of ads," a Facebook advocator told Mashable.

It's rocklike to aver how umteen ads are actually artificial on Facebook, and how numerous of those get distant, since the company doesn't publicise this variety of aggregation. Google, for warning, separate statesman than 350 meg "bad ads" in 2013, and most 220 meg in 2012, according to the organization's own clearness inform.

The researchers, withal, noted that since they started researching the opening, many of the wrongful ads hit been removed.

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