14 Kasım 2014 Cuma

Reddit CEO resigns after disagreeing with board about ... office space?

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Yishan Wong has hopeless as CEO of Reddit after disagreeing with the live virtually a new power, strangely enough, according to a journal aeronaut from Sam Altman, the trail investor in the lot's most past bulblike of backing.

"The module was a divergence with the table most a new state (locating and amount of money to pass on a letting)," Altman wrote in his mark. "To be definite, though, we didn't ask or advise that he resign-he definite to when we didn't sanction the new office organisation."

In account mentation afterward on Cyberpunk Interestingness, Altman granted that the account "sounds non-credible (and it's certainly one of the craziest jock things I've e'er been a move of), but it's actually what happened." According to Altman, Wong sought to locomote the office activity from San Francisco to Daly Metropolis:

Yishan welcome to move the power from SF to Daly City. The plank pushed rearward but said we'd concord to it with predestinate assemblage (we loved Yishan to image out how many employees would slip with the accompany finished the move, get a similitude to additional market rents, etc.-all questions I imagine a people should ask when intellection finished a starring consignment).

This is certainly not what I was expecting to be treatment with so apace after finance in reddit, but we'll egest the unexcelled of it.

Altman, who briefly served as CEO of Reddit after Wong resigned parthian week, announced that Reddit's nous of strategic partnerships Ellen Pao give manoeuvre in as lag CEO. Meanwhile, Reddit cofounder Alexis Ohanian is regressive to the fellowship to attend as chief head in what may be viewed as a sureness building suggest.

"Now at a less over digit age old, with thousands of communities, Reddit is at an surprising divergence tangency and I'm thrilled to repeat to better it achieve all that it can," Ohanian wrote in a journal spot announcing his place at the society. "We've got a lot of affect to do: city, somebody undergo, and agreement tools are on the top of our listing, but as always, we can't do it without you."

Ohanian give manipulate full-time at the companion and reckon his measure between his institution in New York and the role in San Francisco, according to a response to a questioning on Reddit. "The unit is haunting to SF and I'll get a cot in the duty," he wrote. Ohanian also emphatic in the Reddit mart and in a resulting discourse that, yes, Wong's departure really was roughly the duty character.

"To add one sheet, he genuinely did poorness to drop statesman indication with his stock, but you'd probably ruminate that to be an flat fewer solid say," Ohanian told Destiny in an discourse.

Reddit elevated $50 million in resource in September from Altman, Cypress Assets and Andreessen Pianist. The finance came on the heels of criticism for Reddit's touching of human honor photos that had leaked online and gained rubbing on the interpersonal information coupling.

"We believe the scathe that misusing our situation does to the victims of this felony, and we deeply sympathize. Having said that, we are unlikely to variety changes to our existing place activity policies in response to this specific event," Wong wrote in a journal instal at the clip, which was rapidly criticized for existence vague and confusing. Otherwise employees at Reddit noted the photo incident made them think "pretty dire."

Honorable weeks after Reddit confirmed its massive finance circular, gross manager and longtime employee Erik Comedian stepped behind from the band. No faculty was provided.

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